Raymond Luong

Twitter: @RayLuongQuant

Email: rayluongquant@gmail.com

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About me

Hello! I am a graduate student in Experimental Psychology at McGill University (Quantitative Psychology and Modeling area), under the supervision of Dr. Jessica Kay Flake. Here, you can find open copies of my publications, materials, and resources.

My research interests include measurement equivalence testing techniques for few- and many-groups cases. Overall, I aim to improve replicability in psychology by bridging gaps between methodologists and applied researchers. My supervisor and I recently published a tutorial promoting best practices for transparent measurement equivalence testin​g—check it out here!

I am also interested in statistics instruction and educational research. Currrently, I am collaborating with the MILES Lab to develop a comprehensive measure of motivational climate. My recent projects have also explored collecting data for student research projects using Reddit and reducing cognitive bias using psychology instruction.